Welcome Parents

Hi! I’m Mrs. Richardson!

          Teaching and working with students is my passion! I am so excited to work with you and your child this year! It will be a year of fun, LEARNING, and lots of school adventures! I can’t wait to see what this year has in store for us! But first, I thought you’d like to know a little bit about me!

          I am married to my best friend, my husband, Morgan and we now are the proud parents to our fur-baby DARWIN-DUCK, a one year old Miniature Schnauzer. These two take up most of my free time, but I do have some hobbies which include cooking, reading, and TRAVELLING!

I grew up in Ancaster, Ontario, although I did spend a few cold years during my primary years in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan! I am the youngest of THREE children! I graduated from St. Thomas More Secondary School in 2006, before beginning my post secondary career at the University of Western Ontario. I finished my undergraduate degree, an Honours of Life Sciences, at McMaster University prior to beginning my Bachelor of Education at Brock University. I graduated from Brock University in 2012, and began teaching immediately at a private school for children with Special Education needs.

I have been teaching for 5 years, although most of my career has been at the secondary school level. I became a teacher as a result of my absolute LOVE of LEARNING, and my goal for the future is to try to instill this love in the students I teach so that they become life long learners!      

            Our classroom has been set up to accommodate as many of our diverse needs as possible, with both traditional desks and standing work stations, as well as bicycle desks. We have various work stations set up around the room as well to  try to encourage students to work in an area that best meets their needs. We are an inclusive classroom, who respects the similarities and differences between us! I have posted our classroom expectations and our weekly schedule as pages on our class blog for you to view! I will also be posting each day to describe what we accomplished, and any homework activities! I do hope you enjoy being involved in your child’s learning each day J

It is very important to me to keep the communication lines open so please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns you may have! The easiest way to reach me is by email, since I am usually not in the office!

Ashley Richardson
Junior Education Teacher
York Region District School Board


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